What is STEM Digital School?
In early 2020, ATG’s STEM Digital Lockdown School was launched in partnership with the South African Government and the SASOL Foundation, in response to the COVID19 pandemic and resultant national lockdown. Classes were initially made available via ATG’s YouTube, Facebook and Zoom accounts. In April 2020, the initiative was expanded onto community television. While private schools were able to migrate learning to online platforms, this programme aimed to minimise the disadvantage experienced by public school children. To date, the STEM Digital School has reached over 500,000 learners across the country with more than 405,455 views on YouTube.
In response to the COVID19 pandemic and resultant national lockdown, Africa Teen Geeks identified a gap in educational content and subsequently created the Digital School in a bid to assist the government to keep teaching and learning going. MsZora, Africa Teen Geek’s artificial intelligence based educational platform, has been offering Lockdown classes live from Monday 30 March 2020 from 8am -5pm covering all subjects across grades R-12.
We hereby express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all our partners and supporters for concerted efforts and contribution in achieving the above objectives.