• 9 The Straight, Straight Avenue, Pineslopes, Fourways, 2194
  • Mail us: info@africateengeeks.co.za

Africa Teen Geeks We are a dream factory We help children imagine the future, and then we teach them to
embrace it.
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GREAT EXPERIENCE Lockdown School Register for our newsletter MsZora by Africa Teen Geeks in partnership with the Department of
Basic Education and Sasol Foundation held FREE STEM Lockdown Digital School.
Empowering Todays Youth
for a Better Tomorrow
Preparing young people for careers in STEM fields,
while bringing Africa to the forefront of the tech revolution.
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Learn more about e-School and our other programs. Click here

  • 600,000+ stakeholders reached via Zoom live lessons.
  • Created coding and robotics curriculum with the DBE.
  • 2800+ teachers trained on STEM subjects
  • +2,000,000 views on our YouTube Channel.
  • Created 8,000+ video lessons for Grades R to 12.
  • Developed platform for free e-learning in South Africa

Lindiwe Matlali

CEO and founder

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Our Projects

Our goal is to educate the children of today

STEM Digital School

In early 2020, ATG’s STEM Digital Lockdown School was launched in partnership with the South African Government and the SASOL Foundation, in response to the COVID19… Read more


Ms Zora is a responsive, AI-based learning platform for STEM subjects designed with the primary goal of equalising access to quality education for all students regardless Read more


Female family members may not be engineers but intricate needlework indicates a talent for programming and software development. Discovering the links Read more

Girl Geek Summit

The Girl Geek summit was established with the aim of exposing young girls to the world of science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers. The summit invite… Read more

National Tutoring Campaign

The campaign, led by Africa Teen Geeks and the UJ Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, is aimed at preparing and equipping students with strategies to Read more



Students reached

Why We Do What We Do

Africa Teen Geeks Exists to Eliminate Educational Barriers

Learning doesn’t happen separately from our everyday existence; it is deeply connected to other processes and experiences that affect us as human beings. How learners engage in learning depends on their prevalent intelligences as well as socioeconomic, cultural, and biological factors.

Transforming Basic Education Through Technology

Since our establishment in 2015, we have worked to bridge the digital divide in the South African education system. We achieve this through an integrated set of interventions… Read more

Teacher Support and Leadership Development

While learners are at the centre of all activities, we realise the importance of teacher support and leadership development. We support both both teachers and principals by… Read more

We are recognised by HRM, the Queen of England, and won the World Economic Forum Social Innovator of the Year award in 2020.


Enhancing Education in Africa and the World

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For more information regarding our latest blog posts, news articles and upcoming events, click the links below and engage with us to learn more.

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